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Welcome to the Australian Small Equine Association Inc. (ASEA),

Example of Jumping offered at ASEA Shows
Harness class for under 12.2hh
We believe in our youth.

Your home for all things small equine! Our newly formed Association is dedicated to promoting and supporting all small equines, including Miniature Horses, Shetland Ponies, Little Horses, Miniature Ponies, American Shetlands, and all breeds of horses that come under the height requirement of 12.2hh. We are passionate about connecting small equine enthusiasts and providing resources to help you care for and enjoy your animals to the fullest. Our team is made up of experienced equestrian and industry professionals who are dedicated to advancing the small equine community.

At ASEA, we envision an Association that is open, transparent and values member input. This is your Association, and you have every right to contribute to its growth and prosperity.

Our Objectives:

  1. Swift turnaround on registrations, featuring an efficient online registration platform with a comprehensive studbook.

  2. Pursuing sponsorships that alleviate the financial burden on members—we firmly believe our members already contribute significantly.

  3. Rapid responses to inquiries, with friendly and polite assistance always available.

  4. Easily accessible information, including rules, regulations, and a wealth of resources.

  5. A user-friendly website designed for our members' convenience.

  6. Collaborating with other societies to enhance our industry as a collective.

  7. Member feedback forms/surveys—because we genuinely want to know what you, our members, desire.

Thank you for visiting our site and we hope you'll consider becoming a member of ASEA today! We look forward to creating a thriving and inclusive community together.

Warm regards,  Australian Small Equine Association Leadership Team

Welcome to ASEA inc. 
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